The “Global Executions” is a table with executions and batch execution information:
Type: The type of execution
Started: Started date of the execution
Target: The execution or deployment group label
Workflow: Executed workflow
Blueprint: Blueprint name
Creator: The user who started the process
Running Time: Elapsed time from start to finish process
Ended: Ended date of the execution
Completed: Number of completed processes
Failed: Number of failed processes
The path to the “Global Executions” widget is located at Executions button on the menu at the left side of the page.
Type of Global executions
Single execution:
The single execution has the name of the execution and when clicked will show a “Task graph” or just a message indicating that the execution doesn’t have one.
Batch execution:
The “Batch Execution” has the name of the deployment group and when clicked will show a menu with the follow information:
Resume: A button to resume the executions
Filter: A button to go to Executions page filtered with executions id
Completed: Number of completed processes
Pending: Number of pending processes
In progress: Number of in progress processes
Failed: Number of failed processes
Bulk Actions - How to make a deployment group and execute workflows in a group of deployments.
Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 30 seconds