Blueprint upload button
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--- Agents Management
--- Blueprint Action Buttons
--- Blueprint deployments
--- Blueprint Info
--- Blueprint Sources
--- Blueprint upload button
--- Blueprints
--- Blueprints Catalog
--- Button link
--- Certificate Audit
--- Cluster Status
--- Composer link
--- Create deployment button
--- Create environment button
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--- Nodes Statistics
--- Number of blueprints
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--- Number of deployments
--- Number of nodes
--- Number of plugins
--- Number of running executions
--- Only my resources
--- Plugin upload button
--- Plugins Catalog
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--- Service button
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--- Text
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--- Upgrade Event Executions
--- Upgrade Executions Summary
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--- Upgrade Policy
--- User Group Management
--- User Management
Managing Deployment Workflows
Service Composition
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Developer Reference
Conductor REST API Reference
Conductor CLI Commands
Best Practices
This button allows uploading a blueprint to the manager.
Clicking on it opens a dialog for providing the following details:
Blueprint visibility (optional) - represented by a colourful icon in the upper right corner, and can be set by clicking on it. See resource’s visibility . Default: tenant
Blueprint package - single YAML file or blueprint archive (local or URL).
Blueprint name - unique name to identify the blueprint on the manager.
Blueprint YAML file - main YAML file in the blueprint archive.
Blueprint icon (optional) - to be presented in the Blueprints widget. Default: Conductor logo.