Conductor Documentation

Install Conductor CLI

Install Conductor CLI (Python package)

In order to use CLI locally from Python package use the following commands:

# Create virtual environment
❯ python3.11 -m venv cli

# Activate virtual environmentsource cli/bin/activate

# Unzip files
(cli) ❯ tar -xzvf conductor-cli-24.9.0-manylinux-py311-none-linux_x86_64.tar.gz

# Install package
(cli) ❯ pip install --no-index --find-links cloudify/wheels cloudify

# or one-line
(cli) ❯ tar -xzvf conductor-cli-24.9.0-manylinux-py311-none-linux_x86_64.tar.gz && pip install --no-index --find-links cloudify/wheels cloudify

Connecting to a Remote Manager

By default CLI points to localhost. In case you’ve installed Conductor CLI on a different machine, you’ll need to set up a new profile to redirect to a remote Conductor Manager

❯ cfy init
❯ cfy profiles use <HOSTNAME|URL|IP> -u admin -p <ADMIN_PASSWORD>
❯ cfy profiles set --manager-tenant default_tenant

Additional Resources

For more information about the commands that are available using the CLI, please review the Command Line Reference guide.