WRCP Plugin
WRCP Plugin enables users to orchestrate WRCP workflows from the manager.
- The WRCP Plugin is designed to work with the WRCP blueprint, which can be download from WRC marketplace.
- Do not load the WRCP plugin using cfy plugins bundle-upload. The correct WRCP plugin must be downloaded from: delivers.windriver.com under Wind River Studio operator capabilities Conductor 24.03 -> WRCP2403-Modules:
- windriver-WRCP-plugin.zip
- windriver-infrablock-plugin.zip
- conductor-redfish-plugin.zip
- conductor-wrcp-tester-plugin.zip
- conductor-goldenconfig-plugin.zip
WRCP Management
Each item on the following list is materialized as a workflow in the plugin.
All stories require that you provide secrets for the following values:
- user_secret: The default secret name is wrcp_username. This is the username of the WRCP system APIs.
- password_secret: The default secret name is wrcp_api_key. This is the password to your WRCP system APIs.
- cacert: The default secret name is wrcp_cacert. This is the content of the certificate authority file.
- ssh_username: The default secret name is wrcp_ssh_username. The SSH username configured for connection.
- ssh_password: The default secret name is wrcp_ssh_password. The SSH password configured for connection.
You are free to change the names of the secrets, however, you must provide the secret names in the deployment inputs when enrolling a new system.
- Enroll WRCP System Controller: You will need the auth_url of the controller, for example,
- Enroll WRCP Subcloud: You will need the auth_url of the controller, for example, You will also need the subcloud name, and provide it as the region_name input.
- Discover Subclouds - execute the discover_and_deploy workflow. Provide no parameters.
Node Types
cloudify.nodes.WRCP.WRCP This node represents a WRCP System. A system can be a System Controller, Standalone system, or a Subcloud.
- use_external_resource: Always true. This parameters indicates that the resource already exists.
- client_config: A dictionary containing the following keys:
- auth_url: The WRCP system API endpoint, including the protocol, IP, port, and path, e.g. IPv6 systems’ auth urls, should be provided with the IP surrounded by square brackets, e.g. https://[1234:abcd:efgh:1a2b:0000:test:fake:4321]:5000/v3.
- username: The WRCP username.
- api_key: The WRCP password.
- project_name: The client project name, default: admin.
- user_domain_name: The client user domain name, default: Default.
- project_domain_name: The client project domain name, default: Default.
- region_name: The region name, either RegionOne for a system controller, or the subcloud name in the case that the system is a subcloud.
- insecure: Whether to ignore certification validation when using https as the protocol..
- cacert: The content of a Certificate Authority when using https as the protocol.
- resource_config: Parameters that describe the system in the WRCP API. Currently, there is no need to provide these parameters.
Runtime Properties:
- subclouds: A dictionary of subclouds if the node is a system controller that has subclouds.
- A key containing a number representing the subcloud number:
- external_id: The number representing the subcloud number.
- name: The subcloud name.
- description: The subcloud descriptions.
- location: The subcloud location, for example an address.
- group_id: The subcloud’s group ID.
- group_name: The subcloud’s group name.
- oam_floating_ip: The IP of the subcloud.
- management_state: The subcloud’s management state.
- A key containing a number representing the subcloud number:
- resource_config:
- external_id: The system’s ID.
- name: The system’s name.
- description: The system’s description.
- location: The system’s location, for example an address.
- system_type: The system type, for example, “all-in-one”.
- system_mode: The system mode, for example, “simplex”.
- region_name: The region name, for example “RegionOne”, or if a subcloud, the subcloud name.
- latitude: The latitude of the system.
- longitude: The longitude of the system.
- distributed_cloud_role: The distributed_cloud_role, for example “subcloud”.
- hosts:
- A key containing an UUID representing the host ID.
- hostname: The host’s hostname.
- personality: The host’s personality, for example “controller”.
- capabilities: The host’s capabilities.
- subfunctions: The host’s subfunctions.
- kube_clusters: The API response for the system’s kube_cluster object.
- A key containing an UUID representing the host ID.
- WRA:
- status: Status of WRA application in WRCP , e.g. uploading, uploaded, applying, applied, updating, apply-failed or upload-failed.
- app_version: Last version of WRA installed on WRCP, e.g. 22.12-1
- last_update: Last action made by WRC, including date, e.g. “uninstall on 2023-06-20 12:34:56”
- subcloud_names: A list containing only the subcloud’s names
- k8s_cluster_name: If the system has a Kubernetes cluster, the kube cluster’s name.
- k8s_admin_user:
- k8s_ip: The IP of the Kubernetes cluster, if the system has one.
- k8s_service_account_token: The service account token, if the system has a Kubernetes Cluster.
- k8s_cacert: The Kubernetes Cluster certificate authority if the system has a Kubernetes Cluster.
- k8s_admin_client_cert: The Kubernetes Cluster client certificate if the system has a Kubernetes Cluster.
- k8s_admin_client_key: The Kubernetes Cluster client key if the system has a Kubernetes Cluster.
- openstack_ip: The system’s Openstack IP if it hosts an Openstack system.
- openstack_key: The system’s Openstack key if it hosts an Openstack system.
- __cert_audit: it is the the list of certificates got from WRCP host. It contains the id, name, expiry date and etc.
- __cert_summary: groups the certificate in “regions”, “expiry_dates” and “types” and is used to build the Certificates Chart
- patches_to_upload: A list of patch_ids to be uploaded.
- load_id:
The following are possible for a WRCP system deployment:
- csys-obj-type
- csys-env-type
- csys-obj-parent
- csys-location-name
- csys-location-lat
- csys-location-long
- csys-wrcp-services
During installation the plugin requests a system’s location (latitude and longitude) from the WRCP API, and creates a Site in Conductor. You can see sites’ location on the map on the Dashboard screen.
This workflow discovers and deploys subclouds. The steps followed are listed next.
- Checks if there are discovered subclouds using the “Discover Subclouds” workflow, then gets the controller node instance, and uses the parent deployment’s capabilities to get auth data.
- Checks if the deployment_id passed from the workflow is valid and if there are 2 subclouds or more in the controller node instance runtime properties. If not, raises an Exception.
- Then, for each of the subclouds, checks if the subcloud has already been discovered and deployed. If not, checks if the address of the subcloud is ipv4 or ipv6, formats and dict of “inputs”, adds the labels, adds the id of each of the deployments to a list, as the inputs and labels.
- To complete, calls deploy_subclouds with the data gathered in the previous step.
Workflow to install patches.
- The
directory must contain only the patch files (.patch
extension) and nothing else. Please pay attention to hidden files as well, usingls -la
to find andrm>/code> to remove them.
- The
must have permission to read the patch directory. Using/tmp/
works fine. But, the files intmp
are removed frequently in WRC, so to avoid lose the files the user can create a directory into the root directory like/patch-data
and use it. - If running in a DC, it needs to have subclouds bootstrapped and in-sync and without any alarms. If the DC does not have subclouds it completes the process for DC and skips the subcloud process.
It includes the following steps:
- Upload patch
- Apply patch
- Create subcloud patch strategy
- Execute apply action on created strategy
default: []
description: |
Type names for which the workflow will execute the update operation.
By default the operation will execute for nodes of type
default: []
description: |
Node template IDs for which the workflow will execute the update
default: []
description: |
Node instance IDs for which the workflow will execute the update
default: ''
description: |
The path to a directory on the manager where the patches are located.
The patches will be uploaded and applied.
default: 1
description: |
The maximum number of workers within a subcloud to update in
default: True
description: |
Flag to indicate if the workflow should stop updating additional
subclouds if a failure is encountered.
default: serial
- valid_values:
- serial
- parallel
description: |
The apply type for the update: serial or parallel
default: 'apply'
description: |
Perform an action on the update strategy.
Valid values are: apply, or abort.
default: serial
- valid_values:
- serial
- ignore
description: |
The apply type for controller hosts: serial or ignore.
default: serial
- valid_values:
- serial
- parallel
- ignore
description: |
The apply type for storage hosts: serial, parallel or ignore.
default: serial
- valid_values:
- serial
- parallel
- ignore
description: |
The apply type for worker hosts: serial, parallel or ignore.
default: 2
description: |
The maximum number of worker hosts to patch in parallel; only
applicable if worker-apply-type = parallel. Default value is 2.
default: serial
- valid_values:
- serial
- parallel
- ignore
description: |
The apply type for swift hosts: serial, parallel or ignore.
default: stop-start
- valid_values:
- stop-start
- migrate
description: |
The default instance action: stop-start or migrate.
default: relaxed
- valid_values:
- strict
- relaxed
description: |
The strictness of alarm checks: strict or relaxed.
type: boolean
default: False
description: |
Flag to indicate if the patch operation should only upload the patches on the subclouds.
type: boolean
default: True
description: |
Flag to indicate if the patches should be uploaded to the Central
type: boolean
default: True
description: |
Flag to indicate if the patches should be applied/installed on the
Central Cloud.
type: boolean
default: True
description: |
Flag to indicate if the patches should be applied/installed on the
type: boolean
default: True
description: |
Flag to indicate if status of installation should be checked.
Checking status of strategy steps and update labels if failed/complete.
default: [ ]
description: |
Type names for which the workflow will execute the update
check_update_status operation.
By default the operation will execute for nodes of type
default: [ ]
description: |
Node template IDs for which the workflow will execute the
check_update_status operation
default: [ ]
description: |
Node instance IDs for which the workflow will execute the
check_update_status operation
Workflow starts check_update_status on each subcloud.
default: []
description: |
Type names for which the workflow will execute the refresh_status operation.
By default the operation will execute for nodes of type
default: []
description: |
Node template IDs for which the workflow will execute the refresh_status
default: []
description: |
Node instance IDs for which the workflow will execute the refresh_status
ATTENTION: Before start workflow make sure that below files does not exist on controller-0. These will be automatically copied from the load installed during the upgrade.
- ~/wind-river-cloud-platform-deployment-manager-overrides.yaml
- ~/wind-river-cloud-platform-deployment-manager.tgz
- ~/wind-river-cloud-platform-deployment-manager.yaml
Workflow to upgrade sw version on nodes, deployment managers and subcloud. It contains the following steps:
- upgrade controllers:
- Install license for new release
- Upload ISO and SIG files to controller-0
- Start upgrade process
- Verify that upgrade has started
- Lock controller-1
- Check upgrade status
- Unlock controller-1 In case of HA:
- Set controller-1 as active controller
- Wait for all services on controller-1 are enabled-active, the swact is complete
- Lock controller-0
- Upgrade controller-0
- Unlock Controller-0
- upgrade workers and storages (if present)
- upgrade deployment manager
- upgrade each
- Upgrade subclouds:
- create subcloud upgrade strategy
- execute apply action on created strategy
default: []
description: |
Type names for which the workflow will execute the upgrade operation.
By default the operation will execute for nodes of type
default: []
description: |
Node template IDs for which the workflow will execute the upgrade
default: []
description: |
Node instance IDs for which the workflow will execute the upgrade
default: ''
description: |
SW version to upgrade to. Example: 21.12
default: ''
description: |
File path where the license file is located.
This license file will be applied as a part of upgrade process.
E.g: /opt/mgmtworker/persistent/21.12/license.lic
cfy_user must be able to access this file.
default: ''
description: |
File path where the iso with new SW version is located.
E.g.: /home/user/21.12/bootimage.iso
cfy_user must be able to access this file.
default: ''
description: |
File path where the iso signature is located.
E.g.: /home/user/21.12/bootimage.sig
cfy_user must be able to access this file.
default: ''
description: |
File path where the list of images to be prestaged is located.
E.g.: /home/user/21.12/image_list.lst
cfy_user must be able to access this file.
default: 'upgrade'
description: |
The Subcloud update strategy to be used for subclouds.
One of: firmware, kube-rootca-update, kubernetes, patch, prestage,
or upgrade
default: 'parallel'
description: |
The apply type for the update. serial or parallel
default: 'apply'
description: |
Perform an action on the update strategy.
Valid values are: apply, or abort
default: 1
description: |
The maximum number of workers within a subcloud to update in
default: True
description: |
Flag to indicate if the update should stop
updating additional subclouds if a failure
is encountered
default: True
description: |
Force upgrade to run. Required if the workflow needs to run while
there are active alarms.
The run_on_subclouds workflow creates temporary execution group based on provided parameters, start batch execution on created group (run workflow with name workflow_id on all matched deployments) and after finish the workflow (all executions are completed) delete this group.
Currently, the workflow is looking for match in all deployments (including environment and not related deployment) so the user must use labels and filters carefully.
description: |
The name of the workflow to execute on all matched deployments (deployments group)
default: ''
description: The workflow parameters required during workflow execution
default: {}
description: The labels on the basis of which deployments are selected to create
a deployment group and start batch execution of workflow on each matched subcloud.
The labels are optional and can be provided parallel with filter_ids
default: {}
description: |
List of filter ids on the basis of which deployments are selected to create
a deployment group and start batch execution of workflow on each matched subcloud.
The filter_ids can be provided parallel with labels.
The provided id must be really id of filter
default: []
type: boolean
description: |
You can run a workflow on all sub environments.
When the parameters is True, the deployments will be selected based on rule:
{"csys-obj-parent": "<parent_deployment_id>"}
In this case, labels rules and filter_ids will be skipped
default: False
default: [ ]
description: |
Type names for which the workflow will execute the workflow,
especially start_subclouds_executions and
wait_for_execution_end_and_delete_deployment_group operation.
By default the operation will execute for nodes of type
default: [ ]
description: |
Node template IDs for which the workflow will execute the workflow,
especially start_subclouds_executions and
wait_for_execution_end_and_delete_deployment_group operation.
default: [ ]
description: |
Node instance IDs for which the workflow will execute the workflow,
especially start_subclouds_executions and
wait_for_execution_end_and_delete_deployment_group operation.
Kubernetes Cluster Upgrade Automation (upgrade_kubernetes)
The workflow will invoke the sw-manager and dcmanager (if in a DC system) WRCP APIs to run a Kubernetes upgrade following the chosen parameters. The target version must be available in the platform and higher than the currently installed version by one step, i.e. it’s not possible to skip a Kubernetes version when upgrading.
For DC systems, this workflow should only be executed from the System Controller environment in Conductor, as it leverages the DC APIs to apply the upgrade on its subclouds.
As the Kubernetes upgrade is a time consuming process, expect the workflow to retry some operations, such as polling the upgrade progress in the platform, during its execution.
The Kubernetes upgrade is integrated as a new workflow in the WRCP plugin, this workflow can be broken in a series of tasks that need to performed in order:
- Kubernetes Health Check - pre upgrade: Checks whether all the requirements are met and assures no management-affecting alarms were found prior to upgrading. The user may optionally choose to relax these checks using the respective input for that.
- Kubernetes Version Check: Checks whether the provided version is valid or available, and skips the upgrade in the case Kubernetes is already up to date.
- Kubernetes Workflow Strategy Creation: Creates the respective strategy based on all the inputs given by the user.
- Kubernetes Workflow Strategy Application: Applies the respective strategy with “sw-manager kube-upgrade-strategy apply”.
- Kubernetes Health Check - post upgrade: The second health check is performed to assure the upgrade worked as intended and no issues are present afterwards.
description: 'Defines whether or not the controllers should be upgraded.'
type: boolean
description: 'Defines whether or not the subclouds should be upgraded.'
type: boolean
description: 'Specify a target version for Kubernetes Orchestration'
description: >
This option specifies the host concurrency of the Kubernetes version upgrade strategy.
--SERIAL:worker hosts will be patched one at a time;
--PARALLEL:worker hosts will be upgraded in parallel.
default: serial
- valid_values:
- serial
- parallel
description: 'This option applies to the parallel worker apply type selection to specify the maximum worker hosts to upgrade in parallel'
default: 2
- valid_values:
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
description: >
This option sets how the how the Kubernetes version upgrade orchestration behaves when alarms are present.
--STRICT:some basic alarms are ignored;
--RELAXED:Non-management-affecting alarms are ignored.
default: strict
- valid_values:
- relaxed
- strict
description: >
This option only has significance when the wr-openstack application is loaded and there are instances running on worker hosts.
It specifies how the strategy deals with worker host instances over the strategy execution.
--STOP-START:Instances will be stopped before the host lock operation following the upgrade and then started again following the host unlock;
--MIGRATE:Instances will be stopped before the host lock operation following the upgrade and then started again following the host unlock.
default: stop-start
- valid_values:
- stop-start
- migrate
description: >
Determines whether the subclouds are upgraded in parallel, or serially.
--SERIAL:subclouds will be upgraded one at a time;
--PARALLEL:subclouds will be upgraded in parallel.
default: parallel
- valid_values:
- serial
- parallel
description: 'Sets the maximum number of subclouds that can be upgraded in parallel '
type: integer
default: 20
subcloud_stop_on_failure :
description: 'Determines whether upgrade orchestration failure for a subcloud prevents application to subsequent subclouds.'
type: boolean
default: true
description: >
Optionally pass the name or ID of a subcloud group to the dcmanager kube-upgrade-strategy command
This results in a strategy that is only applied to all subclouds in the specified group. If not specified, all subcloud groups are upgraded.
type: string
default: ''
description: 'Ignore the audit status of subclouds when selecting them for orchestration. This allows subclouds that are in-sync to be orchestrated.'
type: boolean
default: false
Note: most of these parameters are directly inserted into WRCP commands, so additional details about them can be found in the platform documentation.
Analytics Deployment Automation (install_wra, upgrade_wra, uninstall_wra)
Install WRA:
The install_wra workflow performs the following steps:
- upload_wra: Retrieves the WRA tarball and uploads it to the system.
- update_oidc: Sets up OIDC DEX.
- apply_security_overrides: (Subcloud only) Copies and applies the security overrides from the system controller.
- set_labels_to_hosts: Assigns host labels to controllers and workers.
- allocate_resources_and_apply: Performs resource allocations based on the provided helm overrides.
description: URL containing the path to a WRA .tar.gz file.
type: string
default: ''
description: Whether the OIDC DEX login setup is updated.
type: boolean
default: False
description: >
The list of helm overrides for storage resources. For example:
"file_url": "elasticsearch-data.yaml",
"helm_chart_name": "elasticsearch-data"
"file_url": "arbitrary-overrides.yaml",
"helm_chart_name": "placeholder"
type: list
default: []
Upgrade WRA:
The upgrade_wra workflow supports both the “update” and “upgrade” capabilities. An “update” is defined by an increase of the minor version number, from 21.12-0 to 21.12-1 for example, while an “upgrade” is defined by an increase of the major version number, like from 21.12 to 22.06.
The operation is chosen based on the provided WRA tarball, relative to the currently installed WRA version.
Note that in the case of failure in either of these operations, a configuration file inside the WRA tarball (metadata.yaml) will determine if an automatic rollback to the previously installed version occurs or not. If the rollback happens, the previous version will be installed with the “applied” status. If not, the new version will be installed with the “apply-failed” status.
These are the steps to update WRA:
- Retrieve the Wind River Studio Analytics application tarball.
- Update the application.
- Verify that the update process was successful.
These are the steps to upgrade WRA:
- Retrieve the Wind River Studio Analytics application tarball.
- Check if the installed WRA application is up to date with the latest minor version.
- Apply helm overrides.
- If upgrading a subcloud, copy the security overrides from the System Controller and apply them to the subcloud.
- Upgrade the application.
- Monitor the upgrade process.
- Run applicable post-requisites.
WRA upgrades requires the same inputs as a clean install (install_wra), updates only require the URL to the WRA tarball to be installed.
description: URL containing the path to a WRA .tar.gz file.
type: string
default: ''
description: Whether the OIDC DEX login setup is updated.
type: boolean
default: False
description: >
The list of helm overrides for storage resources. For example:
"file_url": "elasticsearch-data.yaml",
"helm_chart_name": "elasticsearch-data"
"file_url": "arbitrary-overrides.yaml",
"helm_chart_name": "placeholder"
type: list
default: []
Uninstall WRA:
The uninstall_wra workflow performs the following steps, they apply to system controllers and subclouds:
- Removes the application.
- Deletes the application after the removal is finished.
- Removes the labels from the controllers.
- Cleans up unused docker containers.
The workflow does not require any parameters.
NetApp Trident Storage Upgrade Automation (upgrade_trident)
Astra Trident deploys in Kubernetes clusters as pods and provides dynamic storage orchestration services for your Kubernetes workloads. It enables your containerized applications to quickly and easily consume persistent storage from NetApp’s broad portfolio that includes ONTAP (AFF/FAS/Select/Cloud/Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, Element software (NetApp HCI/SolidFire), as well as the Azure NetApp Files service, and Cloud Volumes Service on Google Cloud.
The NetApp Trident upgrade process is integrated as a new workflow. This workflow can be broken in a series of relatively independent tasks that are called in order:
- Trident Check: Checks whether Trident is being used and also checks whether it is up to date.
- This step decides whether we should continue. Trident Health Check: Checks whether Trident is in a working state just to make sure it can be safely upgraded.
- Trident Upgrade: Reinstalls Trident to perform an upgrade. When you uninstall Trident, the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) and Persistent Volume (PV) used by the Astra Trident deployment are not deleted. PVs that have already been provisioned will remain available while Astra Trident is offline, and Astra Trident will provision volumes for any PVCs that are created in the interim once it is back online.
- Trident Health Check: Checks whether Trident is in a working state just to make sure the upgrade worked as intended.
These steps are shown in the diagram below:
How to run the upgrade workflow
Upgrades can be performed via the “upgrade_trident” workflow, the user only needs to provide the target’s deployment id:
cfy executions start upgrade_trident --deployment-id <DEPLOYMENT_ID>
When a platform upgrade is performed, the newer WRCP version already comes with the newer version of tridentctl which is then used to upgrade Trident. The workflow does not come with any rollback functionality as that would require downgrading tridentctl, which might make it incompatible with the Kubernetes version being used in the system.
Certificate Audit (audit_certificates)
This workflow will scan for all certificates it can find in a WRCP system, including those stored in the Kubernetes cluster’s secrets. These certificates can include the local registry, SSL, DC Admin, etcd, cert-manager, kube-system certificates and more, depending on which certificates are stored in the platform.
After the workflow is done executing, the certificate data can be verified in each node instance’s runtime properties, or in the Certificates Audit page in the web GUI. For each certificate, the following fields will be visible:
- Name
- Expiry date
- CA
- Region
- Deployment
- Site
- Type
- Auto-renew
To run this workflow, simply choose the desired environment(s) and run the audit_certificates
workflow from either the environment’s page or the environments list page (bulk action).
The workflow does not require any parameters.
WRCP Provisioning (install_wrcp)
This workflow has the ability to provision new WRCP installation for servers with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) or Dell hardware. The WRCP configurations supported are AIO-SX and AIO-DX. The requirements are:
- HPE Server with full support for Redfish API (Gen9 or above) with ILO 4 (starting on 2.30) or ILO 5, or Dell Server with full support for Redfish API (Gen9 or above) with Dell iDRAC8 or above.
- A WRCP base ISO to be customized
- An instance of CFS (FileServer, CustomISO API) accessible by the target server
This workflow includes the following 4 steps:
- Custom ISO: With the files input creates a new custom WRCP ISO to be used in the installation.
- Redfish: Inserts the custom ISO in the virtual drive DVD and reboots the server.
- Bootstrap and DM: After the initial boot, starts the WRCP bootstrapping and starts the Deployment Manager
- Custom ISO cleanup: After all the steps are complete, the ISO created in the first step is deleted.
Node Types
windriver.nodes.CustomISO This is a node that represents the step that builds custom ISO using a base one together with the information input in the CIQ files. Since this is step that builds the ISO, it is supposed to be the first one for the System Install blueprint.
windriver.nodes.RedfishBMC This node is responsible for communicating with the BMC. Using the information present in the CIQ files, this step inserts the ISO generated before by CustomISO step in the Virtual Drive and then reboots the server.
windriver.nodes.controller.DM This node defines the operations that will run the initial bootstrap in WRCP, and then run the Deployment Manager. This step still uses the information contained in the CIQ files.
windriver.nodes.controller.SystemController This node will define the operations necessary for subcloud installation in a future release.
windriver.nodes.CustomISOCleaner This node deletes the iso created by the CustomISO node. It is supposed to be the last node in the blueprint.
Runtime Properties:
- installer_image: WRCP ISO image url
- client_config: It contains client properties like auth_url, region_name, username, api_key, etc.
- client_config_https: Almost the same as above, but treats https endpoints specially.
- bootstrap_config: The information necessary for WRCP bootstrapping process. E.g. ssh_config, bootstrap_values, deployment_config, etc…
- bmc_config: BMC’s access information and credentials.
- iso_config: Data necessary too find and customize the WRCP ISO.
- configure_config: Special information about the custom ISO.
- ciq_file_path: Path to find CIQ files inside CFS server.
- golden_templates_config: Path to find Golden Templates files inside the CFS server
- dm_state: Stores DM’s last state.
- bootstrap_state: Stores the current state of the bootstrapping process.
- bmc_state: Relevant information about BMC state like power state, redfish state, virtual media state, etc…
- ssh_state: Information about SSH state.
How to use
- Upload the blueprint to Conductor
- Fill up the CIQ files
- Provide valid
files and rename them, respectively, tobootstrap_values.yaml.v1.jinja2
. Place them in thegolden_configs
directory. - Upload the CIQ files and golden configs to CFS (FileServer and CustomISO API)
- Upload Credentials
- Create a secret named wrcp_license
- Containing a full copy of a compatible WRCP license
- must be named wrcp_license
- Create secret named ‘global_secrets’ filling up the following fields:
# This CIQ secrets Template applies to a single National Datacenter (NDC)
site_name: "global" # (String) required, Name of the NDC site for this secrets file
registry_username: username # (String) required, username for access to docker images registry
registry_password: password # (String) required, password for access to docker images registry
# This section lists BMC secrets per server
- service_tag: "ndc_server_1" # (String) required with quotes, value should be lower case only,e.g '1a2b3c4'
bmc_user: user1 # (String) required, username of the BMC account to use
bmc_password: password1 # (String) required, password of the BMC account to use
esxi_root_password: password # (String) required, Root password of the ESXi host
- service_tag: "ndc_server_2"
bmc_user: user1
bmc_password: password1
esxi_root_password: password
- service_tag: "ndc_server_3"
bmc_user: user1
bmc_password: password1
esxi_root_password: password
- Create a secret ‘CUSTOM_NAME_secrets’ filling up the following fields:
- Where CUSTOM_NAME is the same name you have for yaml filename in the ciq_file_list blueprint input. Using the example ciq_file_list below, it should be wr-duplex-1_2_secrets.
# This CIQ secrets Template applies to a single Regional Datacenter (RDC)
# RDC CIQ schema: schemas/regional_datacenter_ciq_secrets.spec.v1.json
site_name: wr-duplex-1 # (String) required, Name of the RDC site for this secrets file
- service_tag: '' # (String) required with quotes, value should be lower case only,e.g '1a2b3c4'
bmc_user: user # (String) required, username of the BMC account to use
bmc_password: password # (String) required, password of the BMC account to use
- service_tag: ''
bmc_user: user
bmc_password: password
initial_sysadmin_password: syspwd* # (String) required, the initial password of controller-0 of this cell site
- Create Deployment While filling up the inputs, special attention to the next two fields. Here is an example:
"file_name": "wr-duplex-1_2_ndc.yaml",
"file_type": "NDC"
"file_name": "wr-duplex-1_2.yaml",
"file_type": "RDC"
- Then, run “install_wrcp” workflow.