Conductor Documentation

Infrablock Plugin


This plugin is for Dell purposes only.



The following workflows are available in Infrablock plugin:

1. Provision Sysctrl

Comments in the code:

# assumption: 
# 1, install workflow executed successfully, 
# 2, during install workflow, bmo_node_instance 
# has stored 'site_name', 'ciq_values' to runtime_properties 
# 3, there must be 1 and only 1 bmo_node_instance 
# bmo discover servers, wrcp audit servers, bmo update hwprofiles 
# subgraph_name = 'predeploy_wrcp' 


Runs a set of pre-defined operations.

Summary: Creates a set of operations including:

Builds a workflow graph using these operations as parameter: for each instance of node_instances adds a sub tasks as dependency of the parent’s workflow graph.

2. Provision Subclouds

Comments in the code:

# bmo discover servers, wrcp audit servers, bmo update hwprofiles 


Discovers and audit servers to update hwprofiles.


Receives a blueprint id and sites names, checks if there is a deployment for each site name, if there isn’t, uses the predeploy method to get bmo info and uses it to create a set of operations that will be added to the workflow graph.

The operations in each set includes:

3. Decommission subclouds


Decommission a list of subclouds that were installed by the Provision subclouds workflow. This will power off all nodes of each subcloud, unmanage and delete them from the System Controller, and delete their subenvironments in Conductor.


  1. Infrablock plugin environment successfully installed, with Provision sysctrl and Provision subclouds already executed.
  2. The subclouds named as input for the workflow must still exist in Conductor as subenvironments for the System Controller environment.
  3. The subclouds named as input for the workflow must still have their secrets stored in Conductor.


  1. site_names (required): a list with the names of the subclouds to be decommissioned, e.g. ["cellsite-1", "cellsite-2", "cellsite-3"].


  1. Run the Decommission subclouds workflow from the System Controller deployment with the specified inputs. It will:
  2. Power off all servers from each subcloud provided as input and wait until the subcloud becomes offline in the system controller;
  3. Unmanage the subclouds if they’re still managed in the system controller;
  4. Delete the subclouds from the system controller;
  5. Mark their status as decommissioned in the WRCP node’s runtime properties;
  6. Delete their subenvironments in Conductor.

Installing and using the plugin

Upload the built wagon alongside the plugin’s yaml. Then, upload the desired blueprint (there are some samples inside the examples folder).

Blueprints found in the repository

  1. Blueprint_ib.yaml

    This blueprint can be used to provision system controllers.



    • file_server
    • ciq_file_path
    • ciq_file_list
    • golden_config_file_path
    • golden_config_file_list
    • audit_use_external_resource
    • bmc_use_external_resource
    • dm_use_external_resource
    • dm_chart_file

    Dsl Definitions:

    • deployment_config
    • dmfiles_config
    • subclouddeployfiles_config

    Node Templates:

    • bmo_global_controller
    • ibprofile_auditor
    • master_iso
    • Redfish
    • Wrcp
    • master_iso_cleaner


    • wrcp-custom-iso-url
    • wrcp-os-auth-url
    • wrcp-os-user
    • wrcp-os-password
    • wrcp-os-cacert
    • wrcp-os-insecure
    • wrcp-os-region-name
    • k8s-cluster-name
    • k8s-admin-user
    • k8s-ip
    • k8s-service-account-token
    • k8s-cacert
    • k8s-admin-client-cert
    • k8s-admin-client-key
  2. Blueprint_subcloud.yaml

    This blueprint can be used to provision subclouds.

    • Inputs:

      • site_name
      • systemcontroller_ssh_host
      • systemcontroller_ssh_username
      • systemcontroller_ssh_password
      • bmo_info
      • file_server
      • ciq_file_path
      • ciq_file_list
      • golden_config_file_path
      • golden_config_file_list
    • Dsl definitions:

      • systemcontroller_ssh_config
      • deployment_config
    • Node Templates:

      • Subcloudcontroller
    • Removed the following capabilities

      • wrcp-os-user
      • wrcp-os-auth-url
      • wrcp-os-password
      • wrcp-os-cacert
      • wrcp-os-insecure
      • wrcp-os-region-name
      • openstack-ip
      • openstack-key

Changing the sysadmin password

Use this workflow to update the sysadmin user password on the RDC and associated subclouds in a secure and synchronized manner.


Workflow Execution

  1. Navigate to the deployment and click on Execute workflow.

  2. select Sysadmin pwd change workflow.

Password change menu

  1. Input the new password in the new_pwd field and click Execute to launch the workflow.

Note: The underlying workflow is using the Linux password utility, so all restrictions from the utility apply to the password provided in the workflow.

Execute workflow example

  1. Final result of the workflow is displayed in workflow logs as a table. An example is shown below:

Workflow results

Workflow Internal Operations

  1. Start:
    • Updates the StarlingX SSH password secret if it exists.
    • Retrieves System Controller (RDC) runtime properties, including SSH configuration.
  2. RDC Password Update:
    • Updates the sysadmin password on the System Controller (RDC) using SSH.
    • Handles errors and logs detailed status messages.
    • Raises a NonRecoverableError if the RDC update encounters issues, stopping the workflow.
  3. Subcloud Password Update:
    • Proceeds to update the sysadmin password on each Subcloud.
    • Compiles results into a table with information on deployment type, ID, status, and messages.
  4. Results and Cleanup:
    • Logs the results table at the end of the workflow.
    • Updates runtime properties with the new password.
    • Workflow completion message.
