Conductor Documentation

Resource Visibility

The visibility of the resource defines who can see the resource. It can have one of the following values:

When uploading or creating a resource you can specify its visibility by using the --visibility attribute with one of the values private, tenant or global. The default value for --visibility is tenant. After a resource is created its visibility can be changed, but only to a wider visibility.

The actions the users can perform on the resources depend on their roles, so even if a resource is available to them they will not necessarily be able to perform all actions on it. For example, a user with the role viewer in a specific tenant will be able to see the blueprints with the visibility value tenant which are uploaded to this specific tenant, but will not be able to deploy them. You can find more about the different roles in Studio Conductor under Managing Roles.

Tenant Resources

By default, all the resources are being created with tenant visibility. This means that all users who can access the tenant can also see the resource. We refer to this visibility as “tenant-wide”.

Private Resources

To separate resources and provide robust access control, Studio Conductor supports the upload of blueprints, deployments, plugins and secrets as private resources. A private resource and its related logs and events are only accessible and visible to its creator, the tenant’s managers and the system’s admins users.

It enables you to create internal resource separation even within the tenants, meaning that not all users of a tenant can necessarily access all of its resources.

The visibility of executions is derived from the deployment’s one: executions of tenant deployments are tenant, whereas those of private deployments are private.

Global Resources

A global resource is shown to all users who have access to at least one of the manager’s tenants. Starting from Studio Conductor 4.3, a resource can be created with global visibility. The resources which can be set to global are blueprints, secrets and plugins - and an admin role is required to perform this setting. Once a resource is set to global, its visibility level cannot be changed.

To modify or delete a global resource, you need to be logged in to the tenant the resource was created at. Please notice that users with roles that permit them to perform actions on resources in this tenant will be able to perform those actions on the global resource as well.


As a best practice, we recommend the admins to create a “global-resources tenant” to which they add only global resources - so non-admins will not be able to modify the global resources and affect all system users.

Names of global resources must be unique in the entire system, across all tenants. Therefore:

Resource Visibility in Conductor Management Console

In the Conductor Management Console, the resource visibility is indicated with an icon in the top right corner in Blueprints, Deployments, Plugins, Secrets Store Management and Snapshots widgets.

Icon Visibility
Private Resource Icon Private
Tenant Resource Icon Tenant
Global Resource Icon Global

When you create or update a resource from the user interface, click the visibility icon and select the visibility for the resource.