Conductor Documentation


Displays data about the executions in the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions.


Executions list

By default, the presented details include the blueprint and deployment of the execution, name of the workflow, the time that it was created and ended, execution creator, execution attributes, its status and actions menu.



In Attributes column you can see one of these icons:


In the actions menu on the right side of the execution row (click List icon to open) you can perform additional actions on the execution:

For details about cancelling executions, see cancelling workflow executions

Execution task graph

Workflow defines tasks that can be executed on a node or a group of nodes. Most workflows are implemented with a tasks graph. When the workflow is being executed, the state of the tasks graph, and each operation in it, is persisted to storage. When the workflow is resumed, the tasks graph is reconstructed, and the execution continues.

See Workflow Execution Model for deeper understanding of how executions and task graphs are designed.

Visualization modes

Visualization of the workflow execution task graph can be displayed in Executions widget in two ways depending on Show most recent execution only parameter value (see Settings for details):

Task state

Each graph node represents a task that is part of the execution. Each node is colored depending on task state:


In the upper right corner you can see a toolbar:


By clicking icons from the toolbar you can:

A task node may contain an icon in the bottom right corner:


It allows you to automatically set an operation in Events/Log Filter widget related to that task and filter logs in Events/Logs widget to display only those which are relevant for the selected task.
