Conductor Documentation

Suspend Plugin

Additional support for suspend, resume, backup, restore, remove_backup workflows.

The plugin supports

Suspend/Resume support by plugins:

Plugin VM Suspend/Resume File System freeze/unfreeze
Openstack 2.9.0+ Y N (N/A)
vSphere 2.7.0+ Y N (N/A)
vSphere 3.0.0+ Y N (N/A)
LibVirt 0.4+ Y N (N/A)

Backup/Snapshot support by plugins:

Plugin VM Snapshot VM Backup VM Snapshot Restore VM Backup Restore VM Snapshot Remove VM Backup Remove
Openstack 2.9.0+ Y Y Y Y Y Y
Openstack 3.0.0+ Y Y Y Y Y Y
vSphere 2.7.0+ Y N (No API) Y N (No API) Y N (No API)
LibVirt 0.6.0+ Y Y Y Y (Bypassed) Y Y
Plugin Network Snapshot Network Backup Network Snapshot Restore Network Backup Restore Network Snapshot Remove Network Backup Remove
LibVirt 0.4.1+ Y Y Y (By Compare) Y (By Compare) Y Y
Plugin Volume Snapshot Volume Backup Volume Snapshot Restore Volume Backup Restore Volume Snapshot Remove Volume Backup Remove
Openstack 2.9.0+ Y Y N (No API) Y Y Y
Openstack 3.0.0+ Y Y N (No API) Y Y Y
vSphere 2.7.0+ N (N/A) N (N/A) N (N/A) N (N/A) N (N/A) N (N/A)
LibVirt 0.4.1+ Y (By VM) Y (Bypassed) Y (By VM) N (No API) Y (By VM) Y (Bypassed)
GCP 1.5.0+ N (N/A) Y N (N/A) N (N/A) N (N/A) Y



All workflows have support for:

Backup types:

For partial backup can be used include_instances for limit list of instances or split installation to several deployments and run on deployments one by one.




Backup/Shapshot workflows:

We provide for use 3 workflows: create/restore/remove_backup.


The Backup workflow has the following parameters:

The meaning of each param depends on plugin implementation and can have a different sense for each plugin.

For example, openstack use parameters in such way:

OpenStack plugin does not make any decisions based on snapshot_type / snapshot_rotation values and is passing these values without any changes. The plugin is not responsible for removing all old backups or snapshots by rotation field.


The Restore workflow has the following parameters:

Both parameters have the same meaning as in backup workflow.

For openstack:

Remove backup

The Remove backup workflow has the following parameters:

Both parameters have the same meaning as in backup workflow.

For OpenStack:

Internal implementation/logic in utilities plugin.

In backup/restore workflow:

Plugin needs to run fs_prepere for restore workflow - because plugin needs to have consistent state before run any restore/apply backups - so if service has some suspend before backup we need to stop candidate for restore before any real action.

All actions receive all params as we have as inputs for workflow without any changes. So user defined actions can make some decisions based on such params.

In remove backup workflow plugin calls remove backup action on all instances in deployment without any additional actions for freeze or stop services. So remove backup is safe action without functionality degradation of deployment.

Usage example:

1. Upload the blueprint :

cfy blueprints upload example.yaml

2. Create deployment:

cfy deployments create -b cloudify-suspend

3. Call ‘suspend’ workflow:


$ cfy execution start suspend -d cloudify-suspend 
Executing workflow `suspend` on deployment `cloudify-suspend` [timeout=900 seconds]
2020-05-27 14:06:39.552  CFY <cloudify-suspend> Starting 'suspend' workflow execution
2020-05-27 14:06:39.556  CFY <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.suspend
2020-05-27 14:06:39.821  CFY <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l.suspend] Sending task ''
2020-05-27 14:06:41.641  LOG <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l.suspend] INFO: Downloaded scripts/ to /tmp/3VLF5/
2020-05-27 14:06:41.701  LOG <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l.suspend] INFO: suspend server_id=Server!
2020-05-27 14:06:42.420  CFY <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l.suspend] Task succeeded ''
2020-05-27 14:06:42.523  CFY <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l] Done cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.suspend
2020-05-27 14:06:42.692  CFY <cloudify-suspend> 'suspend' workflow execution succeeded

4. call resume workflow:

$ cfy execution start resume -d cloudify-suspend 
Executing workflow `resume` on deployment `cloudify-suspend` [timeout=900 seconds]
2020-05-27 14:06:08.910  CFY <cloudify-suspend> Starting 'resume' workflow execution
2020-05-27 14:06:08.915  CFY <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.resume
2020-05-27 14:06:09.179  CFY <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l.resume] Sending task ''
2020-05-27 14:06:10.970  LOG <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l.resume] INFO: Downloaded scripts/ to /tmp/TXFUE/
2020-05-27 14:06:11.044  LOG <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l.resume] INFO: resume server_id=Server!
2020-05-27 14:06:11.773  CFY <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l.resume] Task succeeded ''
2020-05-27 14:06:11.787  CFY <cloudify-suspend> [server_0chf3l] Done cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.resume
2020-05-27 14:06:11.957  CFY <cloudify-suspend> 'resume' workflow execution succeeded

More executions logs:

Create backup:

$ cfy executions start backup -b examples -p snapshot_name=backup_example --task-retry-interval 30 --task-retries 30
2018-05-16 12:10:22.408  CFY <examples> Starting 'backup' workflow execution
2018-05-16 12:10:22.413  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.freeze.fs_prepare
2018-05-16 12:10:22.413  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.snapshot.create
2018-05-16 12:10:22.413  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.freeze.fs_finalize
2018-05-16 12:10:22.512  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna.fs_finalize] Sending task ''
2018-05-16 12:10:22.512  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt.create] Sending task 'cloudify_libvirt.domain_tasks.snapshot_create'
2018-05-16 12:10:47.604  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna] Done cloudify.interfaces.freeze.fs_finalize
2018-05-16 12:10:47.604  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt] Done cloudify.interfaces.snapshot.create
2018-05-16 12:10:47.681  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna] Done cloudify.interfaces.freeze.fs_prepare
2018-05-16 12:10:47.767  LOG <examples> INFO: Backuped to u'backup_example'
2018-05-16 12:10:47.768  CFY <examples> 'backup' workflow execution succeeded

Restore backup:

$ cfy executions start restore -b examples -p snapshot_name=backup_example --task-retry-interval 30 --task-retries 30
2018-05-16 12:12:43.913  CFY <examples> Starting 'restore' workflow execution
2018-05-16 12:12:43.917  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.freeze.fs_finalize
2018-05-16 12:12:43.917  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.snapshot.apply
2018-05-16 12:12:43.917  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.freeze.fs_prepare
2018-05-16 12:13:13.114  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna] Done cloudify.interfaces.freeze.fs_prepare
2018-05-16 12:13:13.229  CFY <examples> [example_node_s4bgna] Done cloudify.interfaces.freeze.fs_finalize
2018-05-16 12:13:13.314  LOG <examples> INFO: Restored from u'backup_example'
2018-05-16 12:13:13.314  CFY <examples> 'restore' workflow execution succeeded

Delete backup:

$ cfy executions start remove_backup -b examples -p snapshot_name=backup_example --task-retry-interval 30 --task-retries 30
2018-05-16 12:14:42.171  CFY <examples> Starting 'remove_backup' workflow execution
2018-05-16 12:14:42.174  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt] Starting to cloudify.interfaces.snapshot.delete
2018-05-16 12:14:42.275  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt.delete] Sending task 'cloudify_libvirt.domain_tasks.snapshot_delete'
2018-05-16 12:14:42.322  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt.delete] Task started 'cloudify_libvirt.domain_tasks.snapshot_delete'
2018-05-16 12:14:42.364  LOG <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt.delete] INFO: remove_backup
2018-05-16 12:14:42.429  LOG <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt.delete] INFO: Backup deleted: vm-backup_example
2018-05-16 12:14:42.430  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt.delete] Task succeeded 'cloudify_libvirt.domain_tasks.snapshot_delete'
2018-05-16 12:14:42.499  CFY <examples> [qemu_vm_jvv6jt] Done cloudify.interfaces.snapshot.delete
2018-05-16 12:14:42.578  LOG <examples> INFO: Removed u'backup_example'
2018-05-16 12:14:42.578  CFY <examples> 'remove_backup' workflow execution succeeded