Conductor Documentation


Displays the list of sites and enables their management.

Sites widget


Site basic information

The widget provides the following information:

You can use the Search input to filter the sites list.

Site actions

The right column of the table allows permitted users to edit the site or delete it. Also, using the “Create” button on the right top corner of the widget, you will be able to create new sites.

Creating a Site

Create Site

  1. Click the Create button.
  2. Enter a name for the site. The name must be unique in the scope of the site (tenant/global).
  3. (Optional) Choose the visibility level (the icon of the green man), default: tenant.
  4. (Optional) Enter the location of the site. Expected format: latitude, longitude such as 32.071072, 34.787274. Click on the aim icon to get coordinates by clicking on the world map.
  5. Click Create.

The site is added to the list.

Updating a Site

  1. Click Update site icon on the right side of the site row.
  2. Enter a new name or location for the site.
  3. Click Update.

Update Site

Deleting a Site

Deleting a site will remove the assignment of this site from all assigned deployments.

  1. Click Delete site icon on the right side of the site row.
  2. When prompted to verify that you want to remove the site, click Yes.
