Conductor Documentation

Managing Resources

Use the Resources node to add files and folders to a blueprint package. For example, you might want to add scripts to the package.

Resources Tab

Adding a Folder to the Package

  1. In the Resources tree, hover over the folder to which you want to add a new folder and click Add Folder icon. The folder appears in the folder to which it was added.
  2. Provide name of the folder, then press Enter to apply your changes.

Adding a File to the Package

  1. In the Resources tree, hover over the folder to which you want to add a file and click Add File.
  2. Click Upload File and navigate to and select the file to upload.
  3. Click Add and the file will appear in the folder to which it was added.

Deleting Folders and Files


Before you delete a folder, it is recommended that you expand the folder tree to identify the files within it.

  1. Hover your cursor over the name of the folder or file that you want to delete, then click the X that appears beside it.
  2. Click Yes on the confirmation prompt. The folder and all its contents, or the file, is deleted from the package.