Conductor Documentation

Conductor Manager UI

Conductor Manager UI

Run the Wind River Cloud Platform (WRCP) enrollment and discovery operations using the Conductor Manager.

Upload the Wind River Cloud Platform (WRCP) Blueprint

  1. Navigate to Catalogs page.
  2. Select Wind River Cloud Blueprints Tab in Catalog widget.
  3. Click on Upload of the Wind-River-Cloud-Platform blueprint.

Create Secrets required for the WRCP blueprint deployment

  1. Navigate to the System Resources page.
  2. Click on Create on the Secret Store Management widget, repeating for each secret.

    1. Add secret “starlingx_username” with the WRCP API administrative user name (default “admin”).
    2. Add secret “starlingx_api_key” with the WRCP API administrative user password.

    Note: These are the default Secret names in the Blueprint and can be specified as input parameters during deployment to be able to specify alternate secrets for different WRCP systems.

Create and Execute a Deployment using the WRCP blueprint deployment

  1. Navigate to the Local Blueprints page.
  2. Click on the wind-river-cloud-platform name to navigate to the blueprint.
  3. Click Create Deployment and provide the required deployment inputs:

    Deployment Name: The textual name for the deployment
    Example: “wrcp-system-xyz”

    auth_url: The authorization URL of the WRCP API endpoint

    user_secret: The name of the secret that contains the admin username
    Example: starlingx_username (default)

    password_secret: The name of the secret that contains the admin password
    Example: starlingx_api_key (default)

    cacert_secret: The name of the secret that contains the root CA certificate
    Example: starlingx_cacert (default)

    insecure: Disable certificate validation of the StarlingX endpoint certificate
    Example: false (default)

  4. Click Deploy & Install to launch the deployment.

  5. Click Execute to confirm execution of the deployment.

Discover installed Distributed Cloud Subclouds of System Controllers (if applicable)

  1. Click on Execute Workflow -> “StarlingX” -> “Discover and deploy workflow.
  2. Click on Execute to initiate the discovery workflow which will deploy the blueprint against the Distributed Cloud Subclouds.

A new Deployment will be created and the install workflow executed for each Subcloud. The resulting deployments will be “environments” and can be targets for multi-cloud Service deployments.