Conductor Documentation

Packaging a Blueprint

A blueprint can contain multiple files. These files can reside under a single directory with subdirectories or in an archive. Although the Conductor CLI can manage the archiving process for you during upload, you might want to create archives prior to uploading the blueprint, so that you can keep them in a fileserver, upload them via the Conductor Management Console, or send them to others.

Single YAML file blueprints

Conductor Management Console supports single YAML file blueprints. They can be uploaded without packaging them.

There are two methods for uploading a blueprint:

Manually Creating a Blueprint Package

When you create a package, your blueprint’s archive must include a folder containing the blueprint’s resources, together with a main blueprint YAML file (defaults to blueprint.yaml).

  1. When your blueprint folder is ready, with the main blueprint inside it, use the following command to create a blueprint archive:
   export COPYFILE_DISABLE=true
   tar czf blueprint-name.tar.gz blueprint-folder/

The output file of the tar command above will be blueprint-name.tar.gz.

Supported Archive Formats

The following archive formats are supported for uploading a blueprint via the CLI or Conductor Management Console: