Conductor Documentation


Displays all the blueprints on the tenant, according to the user’s permissions and the blueprints visibility levels. The data can be displayed as a table or a catalog.


Blueprint basic information

The following information is displayed:


Blueprint actions

There are also action buttons to upload a blueprint, create deployment, delete blueprint or edit blueprint copy in Conductor Composer.

Uploading a Blueprint

Using marketplace
  1. Click the Upload button.
  2. In the menu, click Upload from Marketplace option.
  3. On the Blueprint Marketplace page select a blueprint category tab (e.g. AWS).
  4. Click Upload icon Upload icon on one of the blueprints shown in a table.
Using blueprint package
  1. Click the Upload button.
  2. In the menu, click Upload a blueprint package option.
  3. In the Upload Blueprint dialog, provide the URL of the remote archive in which the blueprint is located or select a local blueprint archive.
  4. Enter the Blueprint name and Blueprint YAML file.
    Blueprint name is the name with which you want to identify this blueprint once uploaded.
    Blueprint YAML file is the name of the YAML file in the archive that you want to upload as the main blueprint - as there can be multiple files in the archive. If a blueprint filename field is omitted, the default blueprint.yaml filename is used, but if a file under that name does not exist in the archive, an error message will appear.
  5. (Optional) Provide a .png file URL or select a local one, to appear as an icon in the catalog or table view next to the blueprint name.
  6. Choose the blueprint’s visibility by clicking on the icon in the top right corner:
    Resource visibility.
    The default visibility is “Tenant”, and according to the logged-in user’s permissions you can also choose other levels of resource visibilities.
  7. Click Upload.
Using Terraform module
  1. Click the Upload button.
  2. In the menu, click Upload from Terraform module option.
  3. Create blueprint from Terraform modal will appear.
  4. Provide the Blueprint name and optionally Blueprint description. Blueprint name is the name with which you want to identify this blueprint once uploaded.
  5. Select Terraform version (by default, one of the Terraform versions will be selected).
  6. Provide Terraform module details, which consists of:
    • Terraform module source - ZIP archive URL, Git repository URL or local ZIP archive containing Terraform modules.
    • Terraform module folder - selectable field from which you can select Terraform module contained in the provided Terraform module source.
      By default this field is disabled, until the Terraform module source is provided.
    • (Optional) Credentials required for accessing Terraform module source.
  7. (Optional) To add Variables or Environment variables:
    1. Click the Variables or Environment variables section.
    2. Click the Add button.
    3. Fill the row fields:
      • Variable - name of the variable.
      • Source - type of the variable, which may be selected from a dropdown.
        Currently available values are: Secret, Input, Static.
      • Name - depending on selected Source it has different meaning:
        for Input source it’s an input name.
        for Secret source it’s a secret key.
      • Value - depending on selected Source it has different meaning:
        for Static source it’s a static value.
        for Input source it’s a default input value.
        for Secret source it’s a secret value.
  8. (Optional) To add Outputs:
    1. Click the Outputs section.
    2. Click the Add button.
    3. Fill the row fields:
      • Output - name of the output.
      • Output type - type of the output, which may be selected from a dropdown.
        Currently available values are: Output, Capability.
      • Terraform output - value of the output, which will be added to the generated blueprint.
  9. Click Upload.
Using Conductor Composer
  1. Click the Upload button.
  2. In the menu, click Generate in the Composer option.
  3. Conductor Composer will be opened in a new tab and there you can create a blueprint.

Deploying a Blueprint

  1. Click the deploy icon Deploy icon.
  2. In the Deploy Blueprint dialog, specify a name for your deployment.
  3. Specify the required deployment inputs.
    The names of the default input values appear in the inputs fields. You can leave these defaults or override them with new values. Input’s description (on hovering help icon Help icon) might help you understand how to fill-in the proper value. An alternative for providing the inputs is to specify a .yaml file containing the relevant values.
  4. Select Deploy in the drop-down to deploy the blueprint or click Install to deploy and execute install workflow on it.

Create a deployment

Deleting a Blueprint

Click the delete icon Delete icon and confirm deletion in the displayed dialog.

Blueprint details

When you click the blueprint row (element) in the blueprints table (catalog), a blueprint-specific page opens (it’s also called blueprint’s drill-down page).

The page displays the following widgets with details about the selected blueprint:

See Settings section for details on how to turn on/off this feature.
