Conductor Documentation

Installing a Local Command Line Interface

The Studio Conductor Docker image comes with Conductor CLI pre installed. These instructions explain how to use Studio Conductor docker image as local CLI client.

Install local Docker image

To install Studio Conductor on your local desktop. Open your terminal and create/start the Docker container (requires password). This step assumes that you have Docker installed on a local or a remote machine.

For example:

> docker run --name cfy_manager_local -p 8000:8000 <docker_image_name>

Executing the Conductor CLI outside your docker image

To execute the Conductor CLI from your desktop to your local docker image you can use the following command:

> docker exec -it <Studio Conductor docker image name> cfy <command>

For example to get the local manager status you can run the following command:

> docker exec -it cfy_manager_local cfy status

Running the CLI on your local image

Open an interactive shell on the manger using the following command

> docker exec -it <image name> /bin/sh

This command will open a shell on your manager instance. You can now run any of the CLI command directly (without the “docker exec” prefix)

> cfy <command>

For example:

> docker exec -it cfy_manager_local /bin/sh

On your image prompt run the following cli command

sh-4.2#> cfy status

Connect to a remote manager

This option will allow you to redirect the CLI to a remote Conductor Manager

> cfy init
> cfy profiles use <your manager hostname / URL / IP> -u admin -p <the admin  password> --ssl
> cfy profiles set --manager-tenant default_tenant

For example:

> cfy init
> cfy profiles use -u admin -p admin --ssl
> cfy profiles set --manager-tenant default_tenant

CLI Reference Guide

See the command line reference guide to learn how to deploy a new service, execute workflow, etc..