Conductor Documentation


inputs are parameters that are injected into a blueprint when a deployment is created. These parameters can be referenced by using the get_input intrinsic function.

Inputs are useful when there is a need to inject parameters in the blueprint that were unknown when the blueprint was created, and they can be used for distinction between different deployments of the same blueprint.





Keyname Required Type Description
description no string An optional description for the input.
type no string The required data type of the input. Not specifying a data type means the type can be anything, including a list, an array or a dictionary. Valid types: string, integer, float, boolean, list, dict, regex, textarea, blueprint_id, deployment_id, secret_key, capability_value, scaling_group, node_id, node_type, node_instance or a custom data type.
item_type no string Definition of items’ type, only valid for list type, if none is provided the items’ type can be anything.
default no <any> An optional default value for the input, not available for blueprint_id, deployment_id, secret_key, capability_value, scaling_group, node_id, node_type, node_instance types.
constraints no list of dicts The constraints the input value must comply with. Read more details about the format and usage of the constraints in the Constraints section below.
required no boolean a boolean value to indicate whether the input is required must be passed or not, by default all inputs are required.
display_label no string Used in UI instead of the input’s name to describe the input.
hidden no boolean Used in UI to determine if input should be hidden or not (default).
display no dict Hints for the UI on how to display the field.

Note: display key is valid only for inputs of type textarea, it can contain only a number of rows to be used to display the field. See the example below.

Note: if you specify a custom data_type in the type field, a property validation will occur. See the example below.



    description: The image name of the server
    type: string
    default: "Ubuntu 12.04"

    description: Extra server details
      key_name: 'my-openstack-key-name'
      all_my_flavors: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

    description: Some additional blueprint
    type: blueprint_id

    description: A large field for notes
    type: textarea
      rows: 20

    description: A list of deployment IDs starting with dep
    type: list
    item_type: deployment_id
      - name_pattern:
          starts_with: dep


    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server
        image_name: { get_input: image_name }
        key_name: { get_input: [ extra_vm_details, key_name ] }
        flavor: { get_input: [ extra_vm_details, all_my_flavors, 0 ] }

get_input is a special function which enables you to use inputs throughout the blueprint. For more information see intrinsic_functions.

Another example, with data_types

    type: port_conf
        type: integer
        type: integer

The ports_conf input that will be provided must comply with the port_conf data_type schema. Meaning that it must have two properties, webserver_port1 and webserver_port2, and both of them must be integers.


Constraint dict format

Each constraint must be in the following format:

{ constraint_operator: argument_or_argument_list }

List of Constraint Operators

Operator name Arguments it accepts Value types it can validate
equal scalar any
greater_than scalar comparable
greater_or_equal scalar comparable
less_than scalar comparable
less_or_equal scalar comparable
in_range list of two scalars comparable
valid_values list of valid values any
length scalar string, list, dict
min_length scalar string, list, dict
max_length scalar string, list, dict
pattern string (that represents a regex) string
filter_id string blueprint_id, deployment_id
labels list of dicts of size one blueprint_id, deployment_id
tenants list of strings blueprint_id, deployment_id
name_pattern dict blueprint_id, deployment_id, capability_value, scaling_group, secret_key, node_id, node_type, node_instance
deployment_id string capability_value, scaling_group, node_id, node_type, node_instance

name_pattern details

The name_pattern constraint applies to various data types. There are different fields (attributes) being compared to. In the following table we have included information on the specifics of these fields.

Data type Cloudify object Attribute of the object being compared
blueprint_id blueprint id
deployment_id deployment display_name
capability_value deployment value of one of the capabilities
scaling_group deployment name of one of the scaling_groups
secret_key secret key (also known as id)
node_id node id
node_type node type
node_instance node_instance id

Following criteria might be used to declare name_pattern (all accept strings as their parameters):

Criterion Description Example
starts_with attribute must start with a given string starts_with: dep
ends_with attribute must end with a given string ends_with: _one
contains attribute must contain a given string contains: deployment
equals_to attribute must be equal to the parameter provided equals_to: deployment_one

deployment_id details

The deployment_id is a required constraint for capability_value, scaling_group, node_id, node_type and node_instance data types.

Constraints examples

In the following example, the image_name input must comply with the given regex, otherwise an error is displayed.

    description: The image name of the server
    type: string
    default: "Ubuntu 12.04"
      - pattern: "Ubuntu \\d{2}\\.04"
Note the use of the double backslashes with regex escape characters. Alternatively you can use the YAML raw literal syntax (|), as follows:

      - pattern: |-
          Ubuntu \d{2}\.04

In the next example, the additional_blueprint input must an identifier of a blueprint, which exists in the system and is visible to the tenant/user in the operation’s context. On top of that, a blueprint must be owned either by default_tanant or other_tenant and meet requirements of shared-blueprints blueprint filter. If any of these criteria is not met, an error is displayed.

    description: An additional blueprint
    type: blueprint_id
      - filter_id: shared-blueprints
      - tenants:
          - default_tenant
          - other_tenant

The following example shows the master_deployment input, which must be a valid identifier of a deployment (visible to the tenant/user). On top of that, a deployment’s (display) name must contain string shared and it should have these two labels set: csys-obj-type=service and obj-type=k8s.

    description: A master deployment
    type: deployment_id
      - labels:
          - csys-obj-type: service
          - obj-type: k8s
      - name_pattern:
          contains: shared

In the example below, my_app_port is an input which must match the value of port capability of of app01 deployment. Keep in mind, that deployment_id is a required constraint for the capability_value data type.

    description: A port my application listens on
    type: capability_value
      - name_pattern:
          equals_to: port
      - deployment_id: app01

The next example contains a few other inputs of data-based types:

    type: secret_key
      - name_pattern:
          ends_with: token
    type: scaling_group
      - deployment_id: app
    type: node_id
      - name_pattern:
          starts_with: a
          ends_with: z
      - deployment_id: app
    type: node_type
      - name_pattern:
          contains: Compute
      - deployment_id: app