Conductor Documentation


The cfy executions command is used to manage workflow executions on Conductor Manager.

You can use the command to start, cancel and and list executions and to retrieve information about a single execution.

You can also schedule executions to start in a specific date and time in the future (using the --schedule flag).

Optional flags

These commands support the common CLI flags.




cfy executions start [OPTIONS] WORKFLOW_ID

Execute a workflow on a given deployment

WORKFLOW_ID is the ID of the workflow to execute (e.g. uninstall)

Optional flags



$ cfy executions start install -d cloudify-nodecellar-example

Executing workflow install on deployment cloudify-nodecellar-example [timeout=900 seconds]
2017-03-29 11:34:11.704  CFY <cloudify-nodecellar-example> Starting 'install' workflow execution
2017-03-29 11:34:12.204  CFY <cloudify-nodecellar-example> [hos...
2017-03-29 11:36:47.537  CFY <cloudify-nodecellar-example> 'install' workflow execution succeeded
Finished executing workflow install on deployment cloudify-nodecellar-example
* Run 'cfy events list -e f38ad989-d09e-4b68-b041-ac63aeacb9ae' to retrieve the execution's events/logs




cfy executions cancel [OPTIONS] EXECUTION_ID

Cancel a workflow’s execution

EXECUTION_ID - The ID of the execution to be canceled.

Optional flags



$ cfy executions cancel eba71d2b-2456-4423-acb0-f8fc7324e793

Cancelling execution eba71d2b-2456-4423-acb0-f8fc7324e793
A cancel request for execution eba71d2b-2456-4423-acb0-f8fc7324e793 has been sent. To track the execution's status, use:
cfy executions get eba71d2b-2456-4423-acb0-f8fc7324e793




cfy executions list [options]

List executions.

If DEPLOYMENT_ID is provided, lists executions for that deployment. Otherwise, lists executions for all deployments.

Optional flags



$ cfy executions list

Listing all executions...

|                  id                  |          workflow_id          |   status   | deployment_id |        created_at        | error | permission |  tenant_name   | created_by |
| fa330011-1f33-4e6c-82cb-a4537e13c950 |            install            | terminated |   nodecellar  | 2017-03-28 07:47:04.733  |       |  creator   | default_tenant |   admin    |
| 261ac6f8-c75d-4e28-9c62-646925cd326c |           uninstall           | terminated |   nodecellar  | 2017-03-28 07:55:02.582  |       |  creator   | default_tenant |   admin    |




cfy executions summary <field> [optional sub-field] [OPTIONS]

Summarizes executions, giving a count of elements with each distinct value for the selected field. If a sub-field is selected then a count will be given for each distinct field and sub-field combination, as well as totals for each field.

For valid field/sub-field names, invoke cfy executions summary



$ cfy executions summary deployment_id
Retrieving summary of executions on field deployment_id

Execution summary by deployment_id
| deployment_id | executions |
|      sga1     |     2      |
|      sga3     |     2      |
|      sga2     |     2      |
|       s3      |     2      |
|       s2      |     2      |
|       s1      |     2      |
|       s5      |     2      |
|       s4      |     2      |
|      sg1      |     2      |


$ cfy executions summary workflow_id status
Retrieving summary of executions on field workflow_id

Execution summary by workflow_id
|          workflow_id          |   status   | executions |
|        create_snapshot        | terminated |     1      |
|        create_snapshot        |   TOTAL    |     1      |
| create_deployment_environment | terminated |     9      |
| create_deployment_environment |   TOTAL    |     9      |
|            install            | terminated |     9      |
|            install            |   TOTAL    |     9      |
|        restore_snapshot       |  started   |     1      |
|        restore_snapshot       |   TOTAL    |     1      |




cfy executions get [OPTIONS] EXECUTION_ID

Retrieve information for a specific execution.

EXECUTION_ID is the execution about which to retrieve information.

Optional flags



$ cfy executions get f38ad989-d09e-4b68-b041-ac63aeacb9ae

Retrieving execution f38ad989-d09e-4b68-b041-ac63aeacb9ae

|                  id                  |          workflow_id          |   status  | is_dry_run | deployment_id | blueprint_id |        created_at        |         ended_at         | error | visibility |  tenant_name   | created_by |        started_at        | scheduled_for |
| f38ad989-d09e-4b68-b041-ac63aeacb9ae | install | completed |   False    |      cloudify-nodecellar-example      | blueprint  | 2019-08-25 11:41:16.158  | 2019-08-25 11:41:18.749  |       |   tenant   | default_tenant |   admin    | 2019-08-25 11:41:16.161  |               |

Execution Parameters:


cfy executions resume [OPTIONS] EXECUTION_ID

Resume the execution of a workflow in a failed or cancelled state.

EXECUTION_ID is the ID of the execution to resume. The workflow will run again, restoring the tasks graph from the storage, and retrying failed tasks when necessary. If reset-operations is passed, tasks that were started but didn’t fail will be retried as well.

Optional flags


$ cfy executions resume 19280e9a-7163-4066-b4f4-a09aaed6dd0e
Resuming execution 19280e9a-7163-4066-b4f4-a09aaed6dd0e
A resume request for execution 19280e9a-7163-4066-b4f4-a09aaed6dd0e has been sent. To track the execution's status, use:
cfy executions get 19280e9a-7163-4066-b4f4-a09aaed6dd0e