Conductor Documentation

CI/CD Integration

Studio Conductor provides integration with various CI/CD platforms.

Specifying Conductor Manager Access

(This section does not apply to the Jenkins plugin)

When using the standard Conductor CLI, the user is required to create a CLI profile, describing the location of the Conductor Manager as well as credentials. This is traditionally done by using the cfy profiles command:

cfy profiles use cloudify-host -u admin -p password -t default_tenant

In order to simplify working in CI/CD platforms, the cfyci utility handles profile creation automatically by inquiring your job’s environment variables. That way, users of the Studio Conductor CI/CD integration need not worry about creating a profile; cfyci does this for you.

The following environment variables are used:

Environment Variable Purpose
CLOUDIFY_HOST Host name / IP address of the Conductor Manager
CLOUDIFY_USERNAME Username for Conductor Manager authentication
CLOUDIFY_PASSWORD Password for Conductor Manager authentication
CLOUDIFY_TENANT Conductor Manager tenant to operate on (defaults to default_tenant)
CLOUDIFY_SSL false for non-SSL connectivity; any other value is considered as true, which is also the default)

In addition, you can define the CLOUDIFY_SSL_TRUST_ALL environment variable as true in order to bypass certificate verification. Note that this is generally a bad idea, especially in production environments.

Common Inputs

(This section does not apply to the Jenkins plugin)

The following inputs are widely used across the Studio Conductor CI/CD integration features:

Input Name Description
environment-name Name of Studio Conductor environment to create, delete or use. This maps to a Studio Conductor Deployment ID.
outputs-file Path to environment’s outputs and capabilities file (see below).

Default Input Values

(This section does not apply to the Jenkins plugin)

Occasionally, the value “-” is used as a default value for string parameters. This is done in order to simplify the construction of command lines.

Environment Outputs and Capabilities File

Certain CI/CD operations (such as “create environment”) can generate a JSON file containing the Studio Conductor Environment’s outputs and capabilities. This file can be used by subsequent steps, for the purpose of carrying out the rest of the CI/CD cycle (for example: obtaining the IP address of a created server).

The structure of the JSON file is as follows:

  "blueprint_id": "<blueprint_id>",
  "deployment_id": "<deployment_id>",
  "outputs": {
    "output_1": "output_value_1",
    "output_2": "output_value_2",
  "capabilities": {
    "cap_1": "cap_1",
    "cap_2": "cap_2",