Conductor Documentation


Displays the list of defined filters. The table has 5 columns:


The actions column contains the following action icons:

Filters used as a default filter in the Deployments View widget cannot be deleted. When trying to delete such a filter a modal shows up describing where (on which page and in which widget) and by whom (by which user) the filter is used.

filters delete

Clicking the Add button above the table opens the filter add modal allowing to create a new filter by specifying filter ID and filter rules.

Defining filter rules

Add, edit and clone operation modals share a common component for defining filter rules.

filters rules

The component presents a list of rows, each representing a single filter rule. Each row contains three inputs:

UI API CLI Applied logic
is one of any_of = The label key matches the specified key and the label value matches one of the specified values.
is not one of not_any_of != The label key matches the specified key and the label value does not match any of the specified values.
is not one of (or no such key) is_not is-not No label key matches the specified key, or the label key matches the specified key and the label value does not match any of the specified values.
key is not is_null is null No label key matches the specified key.
key is is_not_null is not null The label key matches the specified key.
Table 1. Labels operators mapping
UI API CLI Applied logic
is one of any_of = The deployment attribute matches one of the specified values.
is not one of not_any_of != The deployment attribute does not match any of the specified values.
contains contains contains The deployment attribute contains the specified value.
does not contain not_contains does-not-contain The deployment attribute does not contain the specified value.
starts with starts_with starts-with The deployment attribute starts with the specified value.
ends with ends_with ends-with The deployment attribute ends with the specified value.
Table 2. Attributes (Blueprint, Site name, Creator) operators mapping

At any given time it is possible to append a new rule to the list of already defined rules (by clicking Add new rule button) or to remove any rule by clicking the trash icon in the corresponding rule row (unless there is only single rule defined).

You can learn more about filters and filter rules here.

You can learn more about deployment labels here.
