Displays the following information about a specific agent:
Id - unique identifier of the agent
IP - IP address of the agent host
Deployment - Deployment ID associated with agent
Node - Node ID associated with agent
System - agent host operation system
Version - agent version
Install Method - agent installation method
By clicking buttons above the table you can execute the following operations:
Install - executes install_new_agents workflow on selected deployment. Allows to define Manager IP, Manager Certificate, stop old agents and filter by node(s), node instance(s) and install method(s).
Validate - executes validate_agents workflow on selected deployment. Allows to filter by node(s), node instance(s) and install method(s).
Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 15 seconds
List of fields to show in the table - List of columns to be shown in list of agents table. Some of the fields may be hidden depending on the context, eg. when Deployment ID is set in context then Deployment field will be hidden.
Filter Agents by Install Method - Install Methods to filter Agents. Unset all options to disable this type of filtering. Default: No filtering by Install Methods.