Conductor Documentation


The cfy plugins command is used to manage plugins stored on a Conductor manager.

You can use the command to upload, download, delete and list plugins and also to get information on a specific plugin.

A Conductor plugin is an archive created by wagon.

Each plugin has a plugin.yaml file that map node lifecycle operations to appropriate plugin functions.

See plugins for more information.

Optional flags

These commands support the common CLI flags.




cfy plugins upload [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_PATH

Upload a plugin to Conductor Manager.

PLUGIN_PATH is the path to the wagon archive to upload.

Required flags

Optional flags



$ cfy plugins upload -y plugin.yaml -i cloudify_aws_plugin-1.4.4-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn

Validating plugin cloudify_aws_plugin-1.4.4-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn...
Plugin validated successfully
Uploading plugin cloudify_aws_plugin-1.4.4-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn...
 cloudify_aws_plug... |################################################| 100.0%
Plugin uploaded. The plugin's id is e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74




cfy plugins download [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_ID

Download a plugin from Conductor Manager.

PLUGIN_ID is the ID of the plugin to download.

Optional flags



$ cfy plugins download e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74

Downloading plugin e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74...
 e90b1a09-6b56-4a9... |################################################| 100.0%
Plugin downloaded as e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74.tar.gz




cfy plugins delete [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_ID

Delete a plugin from Conductor Manager.

PLUGIN_ID is the ID of the plugin to be deleted.

Optional flags



$ cfy plugins delete e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74

Deleting plugin e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74...
Plugin deleted




cfy plugins list [OPTIONS]

List all available plugins on Conductor Manager. You can use this command to retrieve the IDs of the plugins you want to download or delete.

Optional flags



$ cfy plugins list

Listing all plugins...

|                  id                  |     package_name    | package_version | distribution | supported_platform | distribution_release |       uploaded_at        | visibility |  tenant_name   | created_by |
| e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74 | cloudify-aws-plugin |      1.4.4      |    centos    |    linux_x86_64    |         core         | 2017-04-04 07:02:54.526  |   tenant   | default_tenant |   admin    |




cfy plugins get [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_ID

Retrieve information for a specific plugin.

PLUGIN_ID is the ID of the plugin for which to retrieve information.

Optional flags



$ cfy plugins get e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74

Retrieving plugin e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74...

|                  id                  |     package_name    | package_version | distribution | supported_platform | distribution_release |       uploaded_at        | visibility |  tenant_name   | created_by |
| e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74 | cloudify-aws-plugin |      1.4.4      |    centos    |    linux_x86_64    |         core         | 2017-04-04 07:02:54.526  |   tenant   | default_tenant |   admin    |




cfy plugins validate [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_PATH

Validate a plugin.

This validates that the plugin’s archive is not corrupted. A valid plugin is a wagon ( in the tar.gz format.

PLUGIN_PATH is the path to wagon archive to validate.



$ cfy plugins validate cloudify_aws_plugin-1.4.4-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn

Validating plugin cloudify_aws_plugin-1.4.4-py27-none-linux_x86_64-centos-Core.wgn...
Plugin validated successfully




cfy plugins set-visibility [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_ID

Set the plugin’s visibility

PLUGIN_ID - The id of the plugin to update.

Required flags



$ cfy plugins set-visibility e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74 -l global

Plugin `e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74` was set to global




cfy plugins set-owner [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_ID

Change ownership of a plugin.

PLUGIN_ID - The id of the plugin to update.

Optional flags



$ cfy plugins set-owner e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74 -s admin

Plugin `e90b1a09-6b56-4a92-b9cd-5fc4ef32ab74` is now owned by user `admin`.



blueprint-labels list

cfy plugins blueprint-labels list [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_ID

List blueprint labels for specific plugin.

PLUGIN_ID is the id of the plugin.

blueprint-labels add

cfy plugins blueprint-labels add [OPTIONS] LABELS_LIST PLUGIN_ID

Add blueprint labels for specific plugin.

PLUGIN_ID is the id of the plugin.

LABELS_LIST is a list in <label1>:<value1>,<label2>:<value2> format of labels. Any backslash, comma and colon in <value> must be escaped with \.

blueprint-labels delete

cfy plugins blueprint-labels delete [OPTIONS] LABEL PLUGIN_ID

Delete blueprint labels from specific plugin.

PLUGIN_ID is the id of the plugin.

LABEL can either be a list of labels in <label1>:<value1>,<label2>:<value2> format, or just a <label1> string. In case the former is used, only specified values are going to be removed from list of plugin’s labels. If <value> is not specified, then whole <label> is deleted. Any backslash, comma and colon in <value> must be escaped with \.


deployment-labels list

cfy plugins deployment-labels list [OPTIONS] PLUGIN_ID

List deployment labels for specific plugin.

PLUGIN_ID is the id of the plugin.

deployment-labels add

cfy plugins deployment-labels add [OPTIONS] LABELS_LIST PLUGIN_ID

Add deployment labels for specific plugin.

PLUGIN_ID is the id of the plugin.

LABELS_LIST is a list in <label1>:<value1>,<label2>:<value2> format of labels. Any backslash, comma and colon in <value> must be escaped with \.

deployment-labels delete

cfy plugins deployment-labels delete [OPTIONS] LABEL PLUGIN_ID

Delete deployment labels from specific plugin.

PLUGIN_ID is the id of the plugin.

LABEL can either be a list of labels in <label1>:<value1>,<label2>:<value2> format, or just a <label1> string. In case the former is used, only specified values are going to be removed from list of plugin’s labels. If <value> is not specified, then whole <label> is deleted. Any backslash, comma and colon in <value> must be escaped with \.



cfy plugins bundle-upload [OPTIONS]

Upload a bundle of plugins to Conductor Manager.

Optional flags



$ cfy plugins bundle-upload -p /dir/cloudify-plugins-bundle.tgz



cfy plugins update [OPTIONS] (BLUEPRINT_ID|--all)

Update the plugins of all the deployments of the single blueprint in case BLUEPRINT_ID was provided, or all blueprints of the current tenant in case --all flag was used instead.

BLUEPRINT_ID the blueprint’s ID to perform the plugins update with, mutually exclusive with --all flag.

Optional flags


$ cfy plugin update openstack_blueprint

Updating the plugins of the deployments of the blueprint openstack_blueprint
2019-06-16 15:59:50.843  CFY <None> Starting 'update_plugin' workflow execution
2019-06-16 15:59:50.845  CFY <None> Executing deployment update for deployment openstack_blueprint_deployment...
2019-06-16 15:59:55.880  CFY <None> update_plugin workflow execution succeeded




cfy plugins get-update [OPTIONS] PLUGINS_UPDATE_ID

Retrieve information for a specific plugins update

PLUGINS_UPDATE_ID is the id of the plugins update to get information on.

Optional flags


$ cfy plugin get-update 'bffee604-7133-43b0-9f5f-7a893bffd238'



cfy plugins history [OPTIONS]

Show blueprint history by listing plugins updates

If --blueprint-id is provided, list plugins updates for that blueprint. Otherwise, list plugins updates for all blueprints.

Optional flags


$ cfy plugins history --blueprint-id 'fdse5u0d-6281-43h0-924f-7z693bflw945'