Iterative Blueprint Development Guidelines
A blueprint consists of the following artifacts:
- Main blueprint YAML file. This is the YAML file provided to the “cfy blueprints upload” command.
- Additional YAML file, imported (directly or indirectly) by the main blueprint YAML file via the import statement.
- Resource files, such as scripts, configuration files and so forth.
During the blueprint development lifecycle, often there is a need to:
- Modify blueprint files
- Resume failed executions
- Run arbitrary operations
The Deployment Update Feature
The Conductor Manager provides a feature called Deployment Update, which provides a feature-rich, comprehensive solution to the challenge of updating existing blueprints. To learn more check the Studio Conductor documentation page.
While more complicated than the approaches described in this document, it is the recommended approach to take in production environments as it is more structured, provides for rollback, and avoids the need to deal with the Conductor Manager file system.
Development Environment
While it is possible to develop blueprints on a standard Conductor Manager installation, it may be easier to use Studio Conductor’s official Docker image. A “Getting Started” guide, demonstrating how to initialize a Docker-based environment, is available on Wind River’s official site.
Resuming Failed Executions
A typical use case is the desire to resume an execution of the “install” workflow, after the original execution failed.
This can be done by using the “cfy executions resume” command:
cfy executions resume <execution-id>
Running Arbitrary Operations
This is possible to do by using the “execute_operation” workflow.
Full documentation is available here.
For example, running an operation called “test” in an interface called “day2.operations” on a node called “server”:
cfy executions start execute_operation -d deployment_1 -p operation=day2.operations.test -p node_ids=[server]
Consider the following blueprint YAML:
type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server
type: cloudify.nodes.SoftwareComponent
create: scripts/
update: scripts/
- target: server
type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
And the following script located in scripts/
#!/bin/bash -e
exit 1
And the following script located in scripts/
#!/bin/bash -e
ctx logger info "Updating"
The blueprint is then uploaded, a deployment created, and the install workflow invoked:
cfy blueprints upload ~/test/blueprint.yaml -b test_bp
cfy deployments create test_dep -b test_bp
cfy executions start install -d test_dep
When running the install workflow, a VM will be created (for the server node template), but the execution will eventually fail due to scripts/ failing.
Instead of uninstalling the deployment, uninstalling the blueprint and repeating the install workflow, one could SSH into the Conductor Manager and modify the script in-place:
cd /opt/manager/resources/blueprints/default_tenant/test_bp
vi scripts/
# Fix the script so it doesn't return exit code "1"
Then, the install execution can be resumed:
cfy executions list -d test_dep
# Obtain the "install" execution ID. For example: cwvx7632-s3vmjkv2-b387dfhd
cfy executions resume cwvx7632-s3vmjkv2-b387dfhd
This command will resume the install execution from the point it previously failed. The corrected script will be used thereafter.
Next, run the day-2 operation defined in the blueprint:
cfy executions start execute_operation -d test_dep -p operation=day2.operations.update -p node_ids=[app]
This command will run the update operation in the day2.operations interface, on the node template called app.