Conductor Documentation

Actionable Events (Hooks)


Actionable Events (or Hooks) allow you to register actions that will be triggered after certain Studio Conductor events. The hooks are defined in a configuration file, no hooks are handled by default. When the specified event occurs, the specified action will be triggered.


To enable this feature edit /opt/mgmtworker/config/hooks.conf file with the following parameters:

Parameter Description
event_type The event type you want to hook the action, can be one of the following: workflow_started, workflow_succeeded, workflow_failed, workflow_cancelled, workflow_queued
implementation A path to plugin task or an importable function
inputs The arguments to be passed to the function

When the implementation is a plugin task, the plugin should be uploaded to the manager (managed plugin) and with central_deployment_agent executor.
After editing the configuration file, restart management-worker service with sudo systemctl restart cloudify-mgmtworker.


Configure one or more hooks:

  - event_type: workflow_started
    implementation: cloudify-fabric-plugin.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
      tasks_file: /tmp/fabric_test/
      task_name: test_started_task
    description: A test task for workflow_started
  - event_type: workflow_succeeded
    implementation: cloudify-fabric-plugin.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
      tasks_file: /tmp/fabric_test/
      task_name: test_succeeded_task
    description: A test task for workflow_succeeded

SNMP Traps

SNMP Traps are a built-in option to use with hooks.
Using this option you can configure SNMP Traps that will be sent on every workflow event. For example, workflow started, workflow completed or workflow failed.

Studio Conductor MIB

The SNMP Traps will be sent using Studio Conductor MIB.


To enable this feature edit /opt/mgmtworker/config/hooks.conf file with the following parameters:

Parameter Description
event_type The event type you want to hook the SNMP Trap, can be one of the following: workflow_started, workflow_succeeded, workflow_failed, workflow_cancelled, workflow_queued
implementation cloudify.snmp.snmp_trap.send_snmp_trap
destination_address The destination address to send the SNMP Trap to
destination_port The port at the destination address to send the SNMP Trap to
community_string The community string to be used in the SNMP Trap

Restart management-worker service with sudo systemctl restart cloudify-mgmtworker.


Configure one or more hooks:

  - event_type: workflow_started
    implementation: cloudify.snmp.snmp_trap.send_snmp_trap
      destination_port: 162
      community_string: testcommunity
    description: Sends a SNMP trap when a workflow started
  - event_type: workflow_succeeded
    implementation: cloudify.snmp.snmp_trap.send_snmp_trap
      destination_port: 162
      community_string: testcommunity
    description: Sends a SNMP trap when a workflow succeeded
  - event_type: workflow_failed
    implementation: cloudify.snmp.snmp_trap.send_snmp_trap
      destination_port: 162
      community_string: testcommunity
    description: Sends a SNMP trap when a workflow failed